I would have never imagined a year ago that when my youngin' came home from school that it would have been the last time that she would have been in class with her classmates for over a year. Covid-19 was just starting to get national attention in the United States and things weren't looking too great from any standpoint, especially education. An entire new way of living was about to be adopted, and we had no idea what we were about to face. I remember Kayla Bean asking why she couldn't go back to school with her friends, as she loves school. I wasn't prepared to answer her in a way that she could understand. I simply answered, "bad germs are everywhere, and they are making people real sick so we have to stay home to stay safe for awhile". That is the narrative that we went with for awhile because I didn't know how to explain covid-19 to my special needs child. Having a child on the spectrum, I have to be prepared to answer life changing questions because she takes everything so literal. For example, she loves chicken nuggets and eats them all the time. One day I slipped and said, "Kayla Bean, you are going to turn into a chicken nugget" jokingly. She immediately started to cry because she actually thought she was going to turn into a chicken nugget. I had to quickly tell her that I was just joking so that (1), she wouldn't think that she would turn into a chicken nugget and (2), she wouldn't stop eating her favorite food because of what I said. This is just an example of how careful I have to be in explaining things to her.
"Virtual learning isn't a 'one plan fit all' type of deal"
So over the past year I became her full time teacher in addition to all the other hats a mother wears (doctor, cook, housekeeper, playmate, hairdresser, and the list goes on and on). I was fortunate enough to be able to so as I do not have an outside job, and I do all my KB Books Presents business around my own personal schedule. I know for many other parents, this wasn't there situation and virtual learning was even more challenging for them. Virtual learning isn't a "one plan fits all" type of deal. Individual situations dictates how well the outcome of virtual learning may be, and I respect everyone's opinions and choices in the matter. I've always participated in my daughter's learning because I don't believe that learning starts, stops, and stays at school. It's always a team effort between teachers, school administrators, and the parents. So doing virtual learning wasn't something that I viewed as a chore; however, the amount of extra time I had to put into it did take me by surprised. However, I was up to the challenge. I wasn't in this new journey alone. Her teachers have been with me every step of the way. We communicate on a weekly basis, sometimes three and four times a week. We make an awesome team and I wouldn't be able to do it without them.
We are a little over a year into the pandemic and virtual learning and the routine has changed a few times. Most individuals on the spectrum need to have a consistent routine and when the routine changes, it can greatly effect their behavior. Kayla Bean thrives on routine. She does her best when on a routine. We finally found one that works great. We get up just as if she were to go to school in person. We complete all her online assignments first (this is a change from the original routine). She loves the online programs that she uses, so I start her day off with them. Sometimes we face challenges because she's a perfectionist and likes to have a perfect score. The online programs shows her scores immediately when she's done, and if it's less than perfect, she will have a meltdown. The good news about that is that her meltdowns does not last as long as they use to because I continuously explains to her that everyone makes mistakes. I talk with her to let her know that you can't get it right all the time. People will make mistakes and I think she's starting to understand the concept even though she still be displeased when she makes one.
We take breaks, snack breaks, and lunch just as if she's in school face-to-face (I am the best cafeteria worker according to Kayla Bean). After we complete her online assignments, we do paperwork that has to be turned in the end of the week. Daily paperwork takes longer because she has to remain focus. If you know Kayla Bean, you know she doesn't have the strongest attention span. So paperwork definitely takes a little longer because we do take several breaks to redirect her attention. I prefer the paperwork over online programs (she prefers online over paperwork) simply because if she recognizes that she has made a mistake, she can correct it before turning it in. Also, if she doesn't recognize that she made a mistake and we turn the work in and she gets it wrong, she doesn't have a huge meltdown because time has passed between her completing the work and getting the grade for it.
Kayla Bean loves to color and draw so art is a part of our everyday routine. When she attended school face-to-face, I believe that she only had art class once a week but at home it's an everyday occurrence. She also has gym time outdoors. She loves to pick wild flowers for me in my parent's yard. Gym doesn't last long because she is afraid of flying insects...even butterflies lol. Yes, she thinks butterflies are very beautiful but don't let one fly near her. She will knock you over trying to get away lol (she's extremely strong).
Our school days usually ends around the same time as in-person school. Sometimes a little earlier, and a few times a little later. However, it's mostly around the same time as in-person school.
We are very hopeful that she will be able attention in-person school next year as she really needs that social interaction. It's very important that she's able to interact with her peers. That's the one thing that I can't provide for her as a virtual learner. They keep saying that we are getting closer to the end of the tunnel with this pandemic with all the vaccines rolling out; however, I am still skeptical. One day the positive numbers are going down and then the next week they have tripled. So while I will continue to hope and pray for the best, I will also continue to protect my Kayla Bean as much as I possibly can. God chose me to be her mother for that reason because He already knew me before I was me.
Thank you all for reading my blog. I hope it has helped or inspired someone as it is my purpose in writing.
Blessing to you all!